A fashion company wanted to measure precisely this customer orientation among all its employees in order to implement all the necessary improvement actions and make a difference.

Indeed, the customer satisfaction and experience approach can only be effective if it is based on a strong customer culture within the company, in its points of sale of course but also in the back office.

Abington’s support

  • Conduct a diagnosis of customer culture through the administration of the Customer Orientation Score (COS®), measuring the customer orientation of employees and the related organization

  • Interpret the overall score and then the strengths and weaknesses of the company in terms of customer orientation

  • Conducting qualitative interviews at all levels of the company in order to identify areas for optimization

  • Leading focus groups with employees in order to collectively build the actions to be taken to improve the customer culture, by playing on personal experiences and taking on board the emotions of both the employee and the customers

  • Review customer relationship procedures to eliminate those that are unnecessary or even counterproductive

  • Elaborate the detailed and measured action plan for the continuous improvement of the customer culture

Guest UserLuxury