Banking, Insurance and Financial Services 


Abington Advisory's Financial Services sector advice is directed toward the 5 main domain of activities of Banking, Insurance, Asset Management, Securities Management and Payments.


The general context in which the financial sector evolves is marked by several constraints and opportunities:

On the constraints side, the regulatory pressure is still strong and invasive, geopolitical and health tensions are having a lasting impact on our economies, expansionary monetary policy is having uncertain impacts, new digital entrants are appearing, and finally, the cost of risk and cyber-crime are increasing significantly.

In terms of opportunities, the points above are also accelerating the transformation of the sector, which must de facto modernize and even reinvent itself. While the optimization of the three Liquidity-Profitability-Solvency sovereign pillars remains necessary, the search for operational models more adapted to our times is urgent. Finally, in terms of financing, the support of the energy transition has gone from being a communication issue to a strategic priority.


Our support

Abington's teams are solicited for their recognized know-how for many years. Abington's value proposition is based on 4 pillars which are Risk&Finance, Business Digitalisation, Data Management, IT transformation.


Our key points of differentiation

The team dedicated to financial services issues brings together a rich, diverse, deep and proven experience on these subjects, acquired with the largest French, European and global players.

Indeed, the Abington FSO team :

  • Ensures a complete coverage of the trades based on recognized experts

  • Guarantees the interoperability necessary for the management of large cross-functional programs

  • Is able to integrate efficiently into your teams, whether they are operational or internal consulting teams


Cases studies


Société Générale



Banque Nationale du Canada

BNP Paribas

Attijariwafa Bank Europe

